*lets see if Avril gets bumped by B2K, blown
up by JC, or washed away by a river by Justin...i spent 3 hours last night figurin that out so i hope you appreciate
it.* ~ From the TRL Weekend Countdown on 1/12/03
*boobies and bare bums! boobies and bare bums!*
*these guys..they come in here...ive seen these guys...they're tons of them...they're
all smooth and they can sing real well...and what makes me mad is that when i sing to woman...nothing happens...but they can
sing like 'i have a rash on my ass'...and you fall in love.*
*hot poppin golden boobies!*
*im with ice...*dramatic laugh*..hahahaa...*rolls eyes*
*i spend 8 hours in the gym...everyday...thank you* ~ Right after he 'stripped'
when asked the question 'how often do you work out?' *NOTE: Damien if you are reading this, please please please DO MORE OF
THAT! haha
*appearantly, Foxy called Eve a 'Yorky Dog' and then she did this (shakes hips
soOoOo cutely!). Eve responded on a radio station and called Foxxy a 'miserable, jealous, b.....' the B word. then she did
this (shakes hips once again in an even cuter way!)
*Well ladies, i'll model nude for you but your
gonna need a bigger chalkboard then that! muahaha!*
*And Suchin Pak, that little Good Charlotte groupie was close behind with (in
a nerdy voice) her little camera. 'Im an AV nerd.'*
*it's so cold today that im wearing 3 pairs of thermal underwear.
yeah, 3 pairs. you like that ladies?* from the show on 1/23/03
*you know what, i've never had a problem with them, and they've never had a
problem with me....* ~ from the show on 1/23/03
*you guys dont know this at home but my ass is marinating in here.* ~ From the
show on 1/24/03
*that video was on the countdown for 65 days...and for my
money, 65 days too long! get that off the screen!* ~ from the show on 1/24/03
*are we having a little attitude here? cause the D-Man
dont like da attitude!* ~ from the show on 1/24/03
*H= Hilarie D= Damien Q=Quddus
H: 'Mr. Ben Affleck is gonna be on the show tomorrow so we're letting you ask him any
question any question at all that you would like to ask him and he just might answer it. what would you ask him
D: 'id ask him why he stole my award.'
H: and what award would that be Damien?'
D: 'sexiest man alive award'
*H: 'simple plan say this song is about a guy who loves a
girl who doesnt love him back. i dunno, has that ever happened to you guys?'
D: 'hah! are
you kiddin me? of course not!'
Q: 'he's a pimp'
D: 'this is just a treasure chest
of loneliness rite here ladies'
Q= Quddus D= Damien
Q: imma sing a song....and if you know the words...sing along...ready....GIH GIH GIH
(audience cheers)
D: how about this one...DIH DIH DIH DIH D-UNIT!
(audience cheers and laughs)
'damn J Lo! oooo the D-Man want you!!' (4/8/03)